Visualizing Latin America’s Potential

Latinometrics aims to fill the void of data-based reporting in our region. Each week, we bring you the most thought-provoking, underreported insights about Latin America in a concise and digestible format.

Investors, founders, and executives of LatAm’s hottest tech companies read & support us each week:

Poncho de los Rios, CEO of Nowports on LinkedIn
Freddy Vega, CEO of Platzi on Twitter

Our stories and insights have been featured on:

Our Story

Latinometrics was established in October 2021 as a project aimed at showcasing the potential of Latin America through data-driven storytelling. The project was born from a recognition of the lack of quality data-based content about the region.

The journey so far has been unbelievable. Our audience has grown to include top entrepreneurs, CEOs, and policymakers from Latin America and beyond, including Presidents from the region and advisors of Joe Biden.

The crazy part?

According to LinkedIn Analytics, our social media posts get a higher average engagement than some of the top business and media companies on the platform (including some of our favorite publications like The Economist, Crunchbase, and Morning Brew.)

Subscribe and help us inspire, empower and connect Latin Americans. You can also follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook.

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Visualizing Latin America's Potential


Visualizing Latin America's Potential
Co-Founder & Editor at Latinometrics
Writer and editor, passionate about Latin America and good stories. Tweet me at @GabrioCohen.